  • Learn to forgive and forget

     1. Accept that people would always  be people

    There are over 8billion people in the world with divers characters, different family backgrounds and bad experiences ....blah blah blah. wait scratch that!!! 

    Man (as in Human; before the ladies get me down) would always be man, doing what is beneficial for Himself first before anyone else. you have a bunch of people looking out for themselves; surely conflict abound; this is unavoidable. understanding this point is the very first step to having your precious peace of mind. Remember that God forgives and you will also, if you understand the transgression.

    2. Do not take things too personal

    The greatest weapon one can have is indifference it unsettles people and infuriates enemies way more than revenge. Nothing annoys people as much as the inability to get under your skin. By not taking things personal you make a clear statement that you are in a class of your own. Now how do you become indifferent? simple: people would always be people and you should not bother yourself with what they do or think.

     3. Forgiveness is a statement of Self-confidence

    Confident people are not so insecure as to take what people say or do to heart. Most people find it hard to forgive because they take everything as a personal insult to their character or an attack on their flaws. Confidence is having a strong character knowing both one's perfections and flaws. Forgiveness speaks of the strength of ones character.

    4. Peace of mind (THE CALM)

    Grudges and resentments take up a lot of mental energy. The world is hard enough as it is; you do not need some blood sucking demon occupying your mental space causing you to loose relationships by transference of aggression, rash actions and decisions etc. Sun Tzu made it clear that the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. You subdue the enemy by forgiveness because forgiveness is the best form of taking revenge leaving a big blow of humiliation on your enemy whilst being praised for the nobility of your action.

    5. Be Alert!

    I must make it clear here that what you forget is the grudges and resentments you hold in your heart, not the action.  For every wrong someone does to you you must have a mental record of the person's character constantly being updated with the wrongs and rights the person does as time goes on. You may forgive a thief but keep your valuables away from him/her.

    have similar stories you would love to share ?? send your submissions to naijaskunk@gmail.com (also submissions by aliases and anonymous nicknames accepted) #NAIJASKUNK
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