  • How to be appreciative of life

    Appreciative life


    1. Pay attention to the world around you

    Life can be so overwhelming; we are constantly soaked up in our routine that we fail to notice the beauty in the world around us. The singing birds, the reflection of the morning sun on the dew and the flowers. These are the little things that make nature so beautiful. Learn to pay attention to your surroundings and appreciate nature of which you are the most superior being.

    2. Don't compare yourself with more successful people 

    There is always going to be someone better than you in one aspect or the other. you must learn to accept this as a fact of life. There is no point trying to compare yourself with someone else. Focus on your dreams and chase your goals. Learn to learn from people who are ahead of you rather than compare yourself with them. Comparing yourself in this manner would only stir up ugly feelings withing you. Feelings of self-resentment and ingratitude to God, resulting into low self-esteem.

    3. Compare yourself with less fortunate people 

    Rather than compare yourself with more successful people, look at the less fortunate ones. The things you have that they don't; the things you can afford that they can't. Learn to see yourself from the eyes of the less fortunate and you would see yourself as the successful individual that you are. Having this mindset would give you a broader perspective of life.

    4. Do what you can with what you have where you are

    In life there is always time and seasons. There is level to every thing, this is how the world works. You only move up the ladder of success if you can conquer the present. Most people wait out the best parts of their lives waiting for the perfect time to chase their dreams only to find out that there is no such thing as a perfect time. Life is the now; Do what you can now with what you have.

    5. Be thankful for both the good and bad

    Angels and demons, Yin and Yang; the world works in this way. Sour is the only reason we appreciate sweetness; bad is the only reason we appreciate good. The world works in balance. You must therefore learn to Enjoy the good and learn from the bad. But in all you must be thankful cause the bad teaches you valuable lessons, if you are willing to learn; while the good refreshes your spirit. In all you must Be thankful for being able to experience Good and bad cause as we speak right now there are people six feet under unable to enjoy such.

    have stories you would love to share ?? send your submissions to naijaskunk@gmail.com (also submissions by aliases and anonymous nicknames accepted) #NAIJASKUNK
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